

Osteoporosis is a degenerative skeletal disease characterized by a deterioration of bone tissue. Patients with osteoporosis are at risk for suffering multiple fractures and other serious disabilities. Approximately 10 million Americans over age 50 suffer from osteoporosis, according to the US Surgeon General's office, and another 34 million are at risk for developing the disease.

Investigators at the Bone Laboratory of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that the administration of the synthetic cannabinoid antagonist, HU-308 slowed the development of osteoporosis, stimulated bone building, and reduced bone loss in animals. Investigators also reported that mice deficient in the CB2 cannabinoid receptor experienced age-accelerated bone loss reminiscent of human osteoporosis.

Excerted from: "Emerging Clinical Applications for Cannabis and Cannabinoids: A review of the Recent Scientific Literature 200-2006", Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director, See:

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