

Neuralgia is a broad term for nerve injuries characterized by sharp pain or other neural symptoms such as convulsive tics and tic dolourex. Spinal injury is one common cause of severe and crippling neuralgia.[i] Cranial nerve damage can also create crippling neuralgic symptoms.[ii] Most forms of neuralgia are usually found to be partially relieved by the use of marijuana. General analgesic properties of cannabis have been noted for millennia, but modern science has determined that the cannabinoids actually govern he body’s neurological pain control mechanisms.[iii] [iv] [v]

            Cannabis has been cited by many sufferers to be a superior medication in severe neuralgic conditions, compared to commonly prescribed drugs such as sedatives, tranquilizers, opiates and painkillers, all of which suppress neurological functions. Using narcotics to treat pain associated with nerve injury is ineffective and frequently contributes to neuralgic symptoms.

            Related sections: Addiction, Analgesia, Cerebral Effects, Muscle Spasms, Neurodermititis, Psychoactivity, Replacement of Medications.

[i] “Testimony of Joanna McKee.” Director of the Green Cross Patient Coop, on numerous television and public appearances in Washington State, 1992-1998. See:

[ii] Martinez, “Chronic pain.” The Forbidden Medicine Website,

[iii] Hotz, “Study confirms pot chemicals can relieve serious pain.” Los Angeles Times, October 27, 1997

[iv] Finn, “Cannabinoid investigations entering the mainstream.” The Scientist,, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 1-8, February 2, 1998

[v] Maurer, Henn, Dittrich, and Hoffman, “Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol shows antispastic and analgesic effects in a single case double-blind trial.” European Archive of Psychiatry and Neurological Science, Vol. 240, No. 1, pp. 1-4, 1990