
Diabetes is a condition wherein the body either produces inadequate amounts of insulin or fails to utilize available insulin properly. An estimated 1 million Americans suffer from Type 1 diabetes, which develops in childhood. Another 15 million suffer from Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, which develops later in life .[1] Symptoms generally include an imbalance of blood sugar levels and a high level of sugar excreted through the urine. Initial studies showed that cannabis has no effect on blood sugar levels. A recent test-tube study showed that very high doses of synthetic THC might aggravate diabetes, but that same research also indicates that continued use of cannabis creates a tolerance to the potential aggravation .[2] No human studies have found that cannabis or synthetic cannabinoids contribute to symptoms of diabetes. At the same time, no human studies have been undertaken to prove or disprove the reports of long-term diabetics who claim that cannabis use causes an immediate lowering of abnormally high blood sugar levels .[3] Some diabetics also claim that cannabis helps stabilize blood sugar levels and maintain mental stability, or correct mood swings caused by fluctuating blood sugar levels .[4] Separating the apparent blood sugar response from the anti-anorexic properties of cannabis is currently a matter for further investigation.
Diabetics are frequently instructed to refrain from alcohol use because of its high caloric content. Cannabis may provide a psychologically valuable alternative to alcohol in stress reduction, a major factor in managing the potentially life threatening symptoms of diabetes. Hence, cannabis may function in several ways to reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels for patients suffering from diabetes. However, regardless of mounting anecdotal evidence in medical practice, including medical testimony before a district court in California .[5 ] No scientific papers have been published on the effectiveness of cannabis in treating diabetes.
While cannabis has been used as a replacement for insulin, diabetics are strongly advised to continue their physician’s prescribed treatment plan.
Related sections: Insomnia, Psychoactivity, Stress Reduction.
[1] Maugh, “Inhaled formed of insulin passes first test.” Los Angeles Times/Seattle Times, June 17, 1998
[2] Hollister, “Health aspects of marijuana.” Pharmacological Review, Vol. 38, No. 1, 1986
[3] Grinspoon, “Anecdotal surveys on diabetes.” The Forbidden Medicine Website, http://www.rxmarijuana.com
[4] Diabetic reports from Seattle and from the Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana, 1998
[5] “Pot garden’s size brought case to court.” Sonoma Union Democrat (California), March 19, 1998
Reader Comments (3)
I think it is absolutely horrific that most in our government have place a war on "everything" particularly and especially, marijuana. The benefits of its seed, its oil, its fibers and for many, the benefits of smoking the plant itself, goes largely unknown because it is demonised.
Those who have made a living off of using it as a politcal tool in our corrupt governmental system, have done so to the detrament of all in our nation and on a larger scale, the world. No suprise there for "politics may not be the oldest perfession but the results are the same."
Imagine -- American Science is made to ignore the benefits of a weed but promotes the creation of chemicals so deadly that it leaves one to wonder why our nation, as sick as it is, is not considering itself to be undergoing a mass genocide.
While that thought is becoming more apparent, I sure hope it does so at a faster rate. Maybe awareness will aid in restraining such a tyrannical attempt by the few on the masses. When that happens it will be a glorious event because any hijacked system of governement need not be spreading their brand of "DEMOCRACY" across any nation, much less the world.
Scientist and doctors need to STOP working for such a dispicable evil and vile entity NOW! ~ Please join Campaign For Liberty and help save the America and the world!
To True Peace,
~ Jan
Oopps! Made a few grammatical mistakes there. Should have previewed post. Sorry about that but I am sure you understand what I am trying to say.
If you have a medical need for marijuana use then why limit it? You have tobacco, liquor, Oxycodone, and much more harful stuff already on the RX Shelves, Why are the poloticians not listening to the doctors? What supports your arguements other than what you have been negitively looking for. I am sure if we dug deep enough into why we should not reelect you then we would find plenty, my point is, if it does the job, and it is a lesser evil then why would Washington DC make it happen for them? Do you think you have ever won an election because you were a chosen lesser evil, I promise no candidate has a 100% approval rate, and it is the older society that is pushing for ignorance when they are supposed to be smarter.. I am a business owner and diabetic, I am not depressed and NEVER smoke around children or family. I am clean cut non hippy stereo type and can pass a drug test right now. But when I have smoked marijuana and I have for many years ( I am in my mid 30’s) and never had a heart attack and never had anytype of negative reaction. Matter of fact ( PROVEN PERSONAL FACT) I am diabetic, it lowers my blood sugars from 250 to les than 100 in 3 hours, I only smoke at night and I have actually been ordered off all diabetic meds, and origionally I was insulin dependant, so what say you about that? Harmful I think NOT!
Ignorance is harmful, even if you personally do not agree to this I know for a fact all diabetics will gain from its use, people just hate what it represents, I agree that alot of people that use it for no medical resoning could increase their exposures to certain ailements but as a medically prescribed drug you should weight the benefiets again.
Marijuana should always be controlled just as alcohol and cigarettes, decriminalzing it would only free up the govt to pursue harsher crimes like Murderes, and Rapists, and Thieves, and CRAK HEADS (meth addicts) they really have not put much thought into leaglization of marijuana in GA, just as it ok to go to a bar on sunday and drink but you cant buy liquor and take it home.. any other day of the week you can buy liquor but sunday, so why is that? DUI ’s are rampant on sundays, ask any local enforcement officer, that $$ day for them, so we are encouraging DUI’s on sunday by not allowing purchase of liquor or beer.
Marijuana is by far the very least of our worries as far as drugs go, it has less of a side effect than a hangover, you are more likely to be drunk and try new things as far as gateway things than marijuana. You have the technology to find out if soone is DUI mor marijuana and alcohol so prosicute it the same way. Do not deny people the treatments they need if they could eliminate the symptoms of diabetes or migrains, or several other case studies. Several poloticians use it, have been found using it, and hav openly admitted to using it, so why the big frown upon its use? Simply put whats wrong with being happy? Society has an opportunity to allow it to be controlled and tax it. I am sure everyone knows somone who smokes and hides it cause of the laws, so why do we not as a people give the govt somthing better to waste our tax dollars on? We could help clear the national debt just with this alone, there are so many reasons why people should look into this again and allow its law makers to pass a law that allows it. Common sence tells you there as many if not more than half that smoke. The law will not stop the determined, so why should it be prosecuted? I mean for real people what you know about it is it illegal and thats about it, when they passed the law to criminalize it they did not have any research in the fields of medicinal use and if they did they sure did not have the technology to back up their arguements. We now do and I think its about time to reopen our minds to the idea that we could have been wrong in making it illegal.
FYI Washington DC and 15 other states and our president have all declared it good for medicine, so why can’t Georgia?
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming